
Approach and delivery are everything.

My expertise includes knowledge base creation and management, whitepapers, user guides, column writing, content creation and strategy, accurate proofreading and annotating, and extensive editing using tools like MadCap Flare, Guru, and more.

My peers have described me as a focused and dedicated individual who can easily translate between technical and laymen terminology, while staying true to the finer points of concepts and principles.

Faced with adversity, I set clear expectations and exhaust my resources to overcome challenges.

I come armed to your projects with a bachelor’s in information technology with a concentration in computer programming and over 10 years experience in technical writing. I speak “Developer,” “End-User,” and “Investor”, in more than one industry, fluently.

I learned and “absorbed” my copywriting experience, from the coveted lifetime access to the Americas Writers and Artists Institute’s educational programs. Ben Settle’s email marketing techniques schooled me in the art of daily email campaign writing.

My early exposure to Verifiable Credentials Technology let me see untold use cases, spanning several industries, that need to be written, along with the schemas that need to be developed. This lit a fire that can only be satisfied by developing this type of content.

All forms of justice in today’s legal systems begin with accurate documentation. Your clients expect perfect papers and the court appreciates the polished delivery. Proofreading is thorough with quick delivery times.

With over 25 years combined experiences writing for both in print and on the web, across a wide variety of industries, I spend my days searching out sneaky proofreading landmines, creating content that bolsters justice, and reorganizing, fixing up, and adding to technical documentation.

Currently, I’m accepting new clients and opportunities to assist you in creating accurate, compelling, and useful content, filings, and documentation.

Misty S. Bledsoe

Creating, fixing, and proofreading your content, documentation, and filings, so you don't have to. Freeing up your time has never been easier.