
How to Navigate the Landmines of the Legal System

How to Navigate the Landmines of the Legal System, Avoid being Taken Advantage of by Bad Legal Professionals, and Confidently Tip the Scales of Lady Justice Swiftly, Accurately, and WITHOUT FEAR — FOREVER.

But how exactly do you accomplish any of that without:

  • breaking the law,
  • losing your mind,
  • going broke,
  • obtaining a BAR card,
  • hiring someone who has one,

or getting a law degree for yourself?

I’m not a lawyer.

I don’t want to be one.

I haven’t dated any and there aren’t any in my immediate family.

I don’t congregate with any long enough to get “special favors” or a “family and friends” discount.

I’m not an expert in legal matters and I think I’ve actually only “won” one legal case my whole life.

So why listen to anything I possibly have to say?

Because I’ve finally found something that’s answered 99% of my questions and removed the majority of fear and anxiety when it comes to even thinking about legal matters.

What I’ve found, levels the legal playing field for each and every single regular, non-lawyer, non-traditional law student, non-legal professional, like myself.

It provides answers to all sorts of legal questions and conundrums, with strategies, methods, and options that to this day, lawyers and other legal professionals won’t provide full answers to.

This was true, even when I was already paying them thousands upon thousands of dollars for their services!

You may have had similar experiences.

The law isn’t always fair or right.

A practicing attorney with over 30 years experience, developed a legal course for the normal, every day regular person, in order to understand court procedures, court rules, legal paperwork, research, rules of evidence, and more.

As a lawyer, he understands the law isn’t always fair or right.

He got tired of seeing regular people getting hosed in court, just because they couldn’t afford typical legal counsel for their legal needs. And?

He also got really tired of members of his own profession ripping other people off.

Because of the course I learned you have every right to do the exact same things as an attorney-at-law does, when it comes to your own case, while representing yourself in court.

Did you know that? Because I didn’t. And thinking that through means a few important things:

  • That means you have the right to learn and understand every last thing about court procedures, documents, evidence, objections, trials, and more, without being required to have a BAR card or a law degree.
  • If you’re stuck representing yourself, you need to know all of these things in order to effectively defend yourself in or out of the court.

If you don’t, there’s only two other options that most of us choose.

And they aren’t even really “choices.”

  1. Use a lawyer who may fleece you financially, communicate very little with you, and not advocate for you as well as they could be, OR
  2. Read everything you can on forums, law-club websites, a few sections of the statutes in your county, cross your fingers you filed your paperwork properly, and start bargaining with God that the judge listens to anything you might have to say (all without getting fired for missing too much work or pissing off your significant other!)

I think most of us might prefer to be stuck in a room with a regrettable ex-lover who hasn’t showered or brushed their teeth in a month, while we stab our own eyes out with a toothpick, rather than choose either of those options.

If this knowledge is both a right and is necessary, why do the ways of the court seem so hidden?

Why the mystery, the bravado, the theatrics, and the intimidation by some legal professionals who intend to keep it that way?

And why, when you’ve done everything in your power to follow the “letter of the law” does it feel like the court rules against plain and expected outcomes?

This course solves all of that.

It explains everything in simple, easy-to-understand layman’s language. It doesn’t teach you tricks or courtroom theatrics, or conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo — just good old fashioned hardened rules combined with case-winning methods.

If you don’t know the rules, you can’t navigate the courts, let alone the one legal situation, you or a loved one may be facing right now.

Layer upon layer, as you move through the course on your own time, light bulbs of understanding and realization start going off. As each light bulb “comes on”, you start to “see” the pattern of a path. You learn how to properly walk that path from the first paper that’s filed, to the end of the trial if need be.

And it works for every single type of case, regardless of the type of court: criminal, small claims, traffic, family, juvenile, etc. It doesn’t matter.

  • You have the right to learn and understand everything about our modern day court systems as they currently stand in their modern structures.
  • You don’t have to try and trick the courts, the opposing counsel, or even challenge the court or judge over common internet theories you might read about.
  • You also don’t have to be bamboozled or intimidated by a lawyer who’s being vague with you, won’t answer your questions, or who’s relying upon your ignorance before or after they’ve gotten you to give them a retainer fee, just because “you’re not their only client.”

Look, I can go on and on and on and on about this course. And I do. It’s the reason I decided to start promoting it on a regular basis.

Course Preview

Let me just give you a preview of what you’re gonna learn or how you’re going to learn it in this course. When I was writing this up, I counted 87 separate things, but even the list below doesn’t begin to describe the powerful wealth the course contains.

I’m just hitting the top-level stuff here – OK?

This list doesn’t even include the 100 different little things I personally felt I learned in the very introductory portions of the course alone.

  • The key to protecting yourself in court from start to finish
  • Three ways to dodge a lawsuit
  • The first thing you should check as soon as you’re served paperwork
  • The only two types of law you actually have to manage
  • The three-pronged approach to win any type of case
  • Protect yourself from corrupt business partners
  • Safely shield yourself from out-of-control neighbors
  • Inoculate yourself against incompetent doctors
  • Safeguarding yourself from sibling rivalries
  • Proven methods to keep the court honest
  • How to force the court to protect your rights
  • How to make the court do what you want
  • The cure for “lawlessness” that appears to run freely in the court
  • Why the saying “if you don’t know your rights you don’t have any” is actually incorrect
  • The biggest reason why your opinions in court don’t actually matter
  • What makes a judge worry the most
  • The 1-to-1 secret. Second graders understand it and it can unravel your opponent’s case from the beginning.
  • How to control judges
  • The right way to gain the favor of a judge
  • Four things you should never do in front of a judge
  • How to hire and control lawyers
  • Defeat crooked lawyers without ending up in jail
  • What must be done to win in court before you speak to a lawyer, should you choose to consult or hire one
  • Cut down on billable hours your attorney may charge you
  • Keep the lawyer from cheating you
  • What the lawyers should be doing on your case and how to call them out on it when they aren’t
  • Avoid paying for lazy-lawyering
  • Stop your own lawyer from treating you like the bad guy
  • Preserve more of your wallet from being drained through legal fees
  • Draft proper pleadings that send point-blank messages to the heart and mind of the opposing counsel and the judge
  • What admissible evidence is and what it isn’t
  • How to get evidence into the record
  • Why you should forget “clever” arguments during a case
  • Legal forms explained in every day language
  • Making effective courtroom objections and when to raise them
  • Why the only thing that matters in court is the ink flowing from the judge’s pen
  • Five different discovery tools, when and how to use them
  • Proven case-winning procedures (regardless of the type of case you’re facing)
  • Surprise your opponent by carrying yourself well in court
  • Understand which document can force your opponent to hand over everything from documents drafted years ago to the toothbrush they may have used this morning
  • How to prevent being barreled over by the court and not be taken seriously
  • How to argue with judges and not get thrown out of the courtroom
  • How to stay calm and collected as a ninja who’s already won their fight
  • The real secret of interpreting the statutes. (Hint: You don’t have to do it yourself)
  • How to sort through statutes like a trained and honed samurai
  • When the burden of proof is ACTUALLY shifted to you and when it’s not
  • Layered-by-layer learning
  • Learning that accommodates most learning styles – text, audio, visual, using slides, cartoons, and other imagery
  • Be pro se, without be treated like you’re pro se
  • Demystify the legal industry once and for all
  • Gain confidence, play fair, and play to win (even though your finances and your life are no game!)
  • The dirty and lazy tricks that the other side will sling at you and how to defeat them with the swipe of a pen
  • When the issues you’re having with the neighbor become legal issues
  • How natural law and common law all play into our current system and how to use it to your advantage
  • Common (and uncommon) reasons to sue
  • Which defenses are OK to use and under which conditions you should present them
  • Specific defenses you should avoid like the plague
  • Which set of facts and which set of laws applies to your case and how to confidently forget everything else
  • Rules of Procedure
  • Rules of Evidence
  • Moving the court
  • Demanding hidden evidence
  • Filing defenses with teeth
  • Stop foreclosure and debt collection in their tracks
  • Winning on appeal
  • Winning in family court
  • Legal research done right
  • How to stay out of jail
  • Legal writing with ease
  • How to remove intimidation
  • Property fundamentals
  • Effectively collect money judgements
  • Stop loosing needlessly
  • Why learning legal theory isn’t enough to win in court
  • How to win before you ever get to trial
  • Know ahead of time if you have a winnable case or not
  • Why “admissible at trial” and “admissible to court” are two different things and how to use them to your advantage
  • Turning your opponent slowly inside out with just one single piece of paper
  • Why being a “writer” can hurt you in court
  • The difference between actual proof and an offer of proof. Did your lawyer explain the difference?
  • Avoiding empty and baseless arguments from misguided self-grown law clubs
  • The six different types of cases and how to figure out where you’re at in each
  • Proving obvious facts almost instantaneously
  • The two hinges all cases actually hang off of
  • Detailed tutorials
  • How to be a true patriot without painting a needless target on your back, getting tossed in jail, quitting your job, or living in the woods
  • How to send your opponent’s attorney into a conniption fit (*if you so desire*)

And would you like to know another secret? I’m not even done taking the course yet.

I’m only on the first pass through and I haven’t even started to take notes yet.

It’s so good, so in depth, yet so simple, it’s already demystifying the ways of the court, answering questions that could have been answered by the legal professionals I’d previously hired, and leveling the playing field for the regular individual.

I made the mistake of waiting too long to learn.

I thought I was going to need countless hours and undivided attention to learn.

I thought I was going to be stuck in a dusty law library enduring odd looks, immature snickers, and dirty looks from slaving law students and fresh paralegals on my nights and weekends.

And then I thought the text would be so boring, I’d end up stabbing my eyes with toothpicks anyway.

I thought trying to learn was pointless.


Like I said, I have a lot to say.

I’m not even going to justify the cost, the course is that good. It’s around one hour’s worth of an attorney’s time. If you’ve ever had to pay for an attorney or know someone who has, then you know the price of this course is an absolute God send. You get access for a full calendar year from the time you buy the course and the materials are updated yearly. If you renew before 30 days prior to your expiration date — you get to renew for less than half for another year! Less than half!

The materials are quite literally worth their weight in gold.

But this course isn’t for everybody.

It’s not for people who don’t like to follow directions (or recipes). You can’t just open the course, navigate to the section you think you need, read two paragraphs, and find the exact answer you need for your exact legal situation, and think your problems are solved. It’s layered-by-layered learning. For this course to be effective for you, you have to learn the material in order. It’s not just the material that’s unique, it’s how it’s taught. It’s not for people who are looking for scripts to memorize. You won’t be able to just search through the course, find a few sentences, paste them into your legal document, file it with the judge, and stand there as if you’re wearing Tony Stark’s Iron Man outfit. Not even Tony Stark would be impervious to the judge’s response to that.

You just have to see it for yourself.

The first thing you should do is check out the course for yourself.

You and your loved ones need to know the truth.

Check it out here.

Hire Me

Accurate Legal Documents, Compelling Content, and Useful Documentation is Key

Legal matters can be won or lost based on punctuation or misspellings.

Expert content allows your reader to trust your brand and products.

Investors decide to move forward when their developers successfully integrate with your products due to accurate, clear, and easy-to-navigate documentation.

Making sure that your documentation, legal writings, and other content, are engaging and accurate, is a personal obsession.

With over 25 years combined experiences writing for both in print and on the web, across a wide variety of industries, I spend my days seeking sneaky proofreading landmines, creating content that bolsters justice, and reorganizing, fixing up, and adding to technical documentation.

I can easily slide into your existing projects, nearly immediately spot how to improve your processes, and can make your content and documentation:

  • flow in a unified manner,
  • impress the court,
  • reduce stress and increase efficiency for your employees,
  • make you look nearly perfect in the eyes of your customers, increasing their confidence and satisfaction in you and your brand,
  • allow an open source community to more easily integrate and support your projects,
  • and create a desire within potential investors and customers to hand over their hard earned cash.

Your company and your brand deserve more than just “good enough” instructions, testimonials, email copy, or filings.

  • Good enough just gets your foot in the door.
  • Good enough lets your customers and investors listen to you just long enough to eventually forget everything you verbally said.
  • Good enough, leaves your end-user hanging or feeling like they’ve done something wrong to make your product not work, or worse, that it wasn’t as customer friendly as you originally purported.
  • Good enough, lets the opposing party catch you on potential technicalities.

Great content, proofreading, and documentation fixes all of those things. It provides empowerment, freedom, liberation, voice, consistency, and strength at a regular cadence.

A silent, but vital heartbeat, if you will.

  • It empowers your customers to use your products or services without issue or fail the first time, leaving a positive impression for the money they just spent.
  • It’s freedom from having to track down the right person in the right department to get a missing piece of knowledge that probably should have been documented in a central location long ago.
  • It’s liberation from having to find that “one doc” in a stack of folders on your hard drive or in the cloud under a file name, you’re not quite remembering.
  • It’s a unifying and projecting voice of brand, mission, and vision, for both employees and customers.
  • It’s consistency in your tone, message, ideals, and the standards your customers and investors trust in.
  • It’s the strength, the hidden spine, that supports your undertakings, protects your way, and unlocks future opportunities.

When all eyes are on your content, filings, and documentation, doesn’t it make sense to make sure it is accurate, compelling, and useful?

This is true, regardless of the type:

  • technical writing
  • copywriting or marketing materials
  • whitepapers
  • Business-to-Business (B2B) case studies
  • knowledge base repositories
  • SDK and API documentation
  • comments within your code base
  • opinion or opt-ed pieces
  • full-length books
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • training materials
  • onboarding materials
  • new employee welcome packets
  • announcements and press releases
  • company newsletters
  • email campaigns
  • historical narratives
  • website material
  • blog posts
  • slide decks
  • court reporter transcripts
  • motions
  • petitions
  • statements
  • affidavits

and more…

Here’s just a “peek” at my personal arsenal:

Over the last 25 years, and more so concentrated in the last ten, I’ve authored or proofread all of the above items (and more) I just listed.

I’ve left satisfied clients and employers with new understandings, grateful insights, and strong, but organized, consistent work that has increased revenue, streamlined processes, and unlocked new growth opportunities.

I bring to the table:

  • a bachelor’s in information technology with a concentration in computer programming
  • an associate’s of arts in business administration
  • an associates of science in applied computer science
  • a coveted lifetime membership to the holy grail of all persuasive writing secrets at American Artists and Writers Institute (
  • experience working in the travel, finance, publication, telecommunications, automotive, blockchain, and open source industries.
  • the ability to translate written and verbal material from “developer” to “owner” to “investor” to “customer” and back again, naturally and easily, while staying true to the technology giving your audience the “light bulb” moment you intended
  • knowledge base repository and website creation for internal and external use
  • the ability to ask questions that uncover hidden requirements and expose new and exciting use cases
  • experience with open source contributions to the Hyperledger Indy project
  • never being intimidated by markdown document translations
  • heavy editing of whitepapers, columns, blog posts, how-to documents, user guides, release notes, book chapters, reports, requirements specs, and more
  • being a documentation consultation to internal departments and external companies
  • the ability to put your preferences and vision first after providing recommendations
  • concise communication
  • familiarity with Jira, Trello, Github, Gitlab, Madcap Flare, Guru, and the Google Suite of products
  • seamless integration with global teams
  • focused content creation around verifiable credentials technology
  • stand-alone proofreading services

Hire me and get your time back.

Give me your existing content, documentation and undeveloped pieces (even if you’re starting from scratch) and stop drowning in drafts, snippets, and lost versions. Let me run through your all of your documents with a fine-tooth comb to point out, in a clear manner, where pitfalls may be.

Let me tame the ugly purple, snarling, red-eyed, documentation monster growling from underneath your desk.

I know its secrets, habits, and ways.

Hire me and your drafts become specialized, empowering, and revenue-creating content.

Give me your “developer speak”, your whiteboard scribbles, your random ideas, and I’ll find, create, and present the precious treasure within each of them, if that is what you need.

Show me a process, let me ask the questions the others may not, and I’ll document it so that it can be easily referenced in the future by others.

Give me a bland whitepaper, and I’ll make it turn heads.

Turn me loose on your website or blog and I’ll keep your readers wanting more content.

Give me your PDFs and I will annotate them for formatting, grammatical errors, and more.

You have better things to do with your time.

I’m currently seeking new clients.

When you contract with me:

  • your documentation problems start slipping into the background and your employees and customers forget what friction was
  • your blogs, websites, and email campaigns finally get populated with quality, original, and useful content
  • your filings, and other written materials, start appearing sharper and more accurate the first time they’re presented to the court or investors

If all goes well, I eventually fade in the background, maintaining your website content, documentation, and become the “go-to” sought after proofreader for the rest of your content.

When working with a team, I bring all of these strengths to those who may be already performing some of these tasks. Many on the new team, who work in similar capacities, find my approach refreshing, helpful, and eye-opening.

Iron sharpens iron and in the end, every single employer and former client has been grateful for the work provided.

Can I help you with your documentation, content creation, or proofreading needs?

Talk to me about what you’re working on and what you’d like to accomplish.

Case Study – Longer Example

Case Study – Longer Example

This is an example of a longer case study and was written about a fictional company. It was written as an example of a how a longer case study would look.

Creamy Credit Union Upgrades to Digital Record Keeping Before Deadline while Increasing Customer Base by 30%, Increasing Employee Satisfaction and Saving over .5 Mil Annually

Customer Background:

Creamy Credit Union has been serving members of their close-nit community since 1948, providing checking, savings, loans and various lines of credit. Headquartered in Scappoose, Oregon, Creamy Credit Union (CCU) maintains over 60 full-time employees, is privately owned and is seen as a pillar in the community.

Recently, the Board of Directors was informed by the state credit union association that the credit union could no longer operate if they continued to use the traditional paper record keeping that has been in place since the establishment opened.

CCU was given one year from the date of the notice to comply or they would face sanctions, fines, and potentially administrative processes that would have dissolved their business.

The Challenges:

Paper Ledgers were Costing CCU Five Additional Staff Positions Annually

It wasn’t that these employees were not valuable, it was just that these five additional persons were necessary to keep up with the entries for the 20k member base the credit union had at that moment. This accounting department was also responsible for entering the monthly accounting of expenses and income for the credit union itself.

Tellers Worked Long Hours Weekly to Keep Up with the Transactions

Tellers were working longer hours simply because the transactions were done manually. Processes that weren’t yet automated had to be done individually for each member they serviced at the counter or in the loan department. Those transactions then had to be checked and double checked by more than one staff member before they could be given over to those in the accounting department. Staff members were beginning to suffer burnout and experienced less job satisfaction over all.

Members were Closing their Accounts Due to Potential Issues Such as Accountability and Accuracy.

Some members were closing their accounts in increasing numbers. People began to worry about human error creeping into their account transactions, payments to loans being misapplied or missing in general. Some members were concerned about the health of the organization since with manually entries being done on a regular basis, it was easier to fake operating expenses or otherwise “leak” money from the credit union, which would affect the financial backing of each member’s records.

“We’ve tried to reassure our members. We’ve been in this community for generations and have only the best and most honest intentions. We know we needed to go digital, we just didn’t know how,” said Chief Financial Officer, John Doe.

Despite their best intentions, Creamy Credit Union had to come up to speed to save their business!

The Solution:

Quality Management Software (QMS) was recommended to CCU by a colleague of Doe.

“We heard that Quality Management Software would be able to transfer us to digital methods within the time we need and do it for a fair price. We know in this industry, you get what you pay for. Quality Management Systems came highly recommended by another financial firm. QMS helped them save nearly a million dollars when faced with a similar situation. It was a no-brainer to give them a call,” Doe said.

QMS immediately began to analyze the situation, identify gaps that CCU had not yet thought of, and was able to provide three of their five solutions to solve CCU’s dilemma. These software solutions included:

  • Quality Accounting Software to be used for the credit union’s monthly accounting expenses.
  • Quality Banking Deluxe to be used for member accounts, account history, transactions, etc., for all of the credit union’s financial products.
  • Quality Compliance Software Guarantee consisting of annual compliance reviews and free software upgrades to the credit union’s software features, including custom development, to keep the credit union in compliance with state and other regulations.

The Implementation:

QMS presented a carefully laid out plan to the credit union management staff for their approval, noting benchmark goals, financial savings to be had, risks, as well as contingency plans. When that was finished, a separate but similar plan was given to the Accounting Department.

After the initial analysis period, QMS dedicated 90% of it’s team to this project. A third-party vendor was carefully chosen, with the help of QMS, to assist with the data entry of their 20k member base, their account information, including histories and other transactions. This data entry was doubled checked by QMS staff, CCU staff, and an independent third-party verifier.

These actions were carefully recorded each step of the way for both compliance and legal purposes.

First monthly accounting expenses were entered into the new account software and all new transactions were entered into the system. This got some of the staff comfortable with the software, processes, and methods in place.

Next, the new transactions were then entered into place for all new members. All previous members began having their new transactions entered into the new banking software, including deposits, the clearing of checks, and loan applications. As this was happening, the histories and transactions were both freely available to each member to inspect their own records at any time, while they were being loaded continually into the software.

Members were made aware that the new software also logged the transactions of each employee, as well as the origin of each of the member transactions, and exist for auditing purposes.

About halfway into the process, the staff began feeling excitement and a touch of relief.

Doe said, “The staff began to see how the new system was working and how much time they saved for every transaction. After awhile, they began to feel less stressed during the work day. Eventually we didn’t have to work so many hours and we were able to begin offering flexible part-time hours which made many of our employees happy. Those that wanted to work full-time still could, but didn’t have to work so hard, and those that didn’t were able to still retain their employment but have better life-work balance. For the first time in a long time, we began to see light at the end of the tunnel.”

The Results:

In ten months, CCU was able to completely migrate from a manual record keeping process to a digital one. QMS made sure the credit union stayed in compliance at all times, while having third-party validation available to promote transparency. The members got involved in the process and word spread about the successful migration.

Their marketing department was able to capture their commitment to member loyalty and their service to the community during this time. More than once, CCU’s efforts went viral. Over the next 12 months after the conversion, the credit union was able to increase their customer base by 30%.

The accounting department staff was reorganized from five down to two. The other three staff members either accepted part-time work in other positions, which they were wanting, or retired as they as chose to. With the reduced staff and the ability to offer part-time employment, the credit union was able to save nearly half a million dollars in costs annually.

Because the migration was completed successfully before the deadline, the credit union also avoided costly legal fees, penalties, and the threat of being dissolved.

“Along with their deep understanding of financial institutions and regulatory affairs, QMS made sure that we stayed in compliance, offered transparency to our members and financial regulators, as necessary, and provided expert guidance to all parties involved during the entire migration.

Now that we have their guarantee in place, we can know that we will be regularly audited with ease compared to past audits. They will also update our software to evolving best practices in the industry, as required.

We can now focus on doing what we’ve always loved to do for our community without being bogged down in the tremendous amount of paperwork.

The amount of money we’ve saved is astounding. We will definitely be turning to QMS for our software services in the future.” – John Doe, Chief Operating Officer

Quality Management Software can be reached at 800-555-1212.

A Sidebar with Summary Points:

Customer Details:

Creamy Credit Union,123 Main Street, Scappoose, OR 97056



Financial Services


  • They were buried in paperwork and had extra staff to handle it.
  • Staff was overworked.
  • Members began losing confidence in the credit union’s ability to be accurate and transparent.


  • Implemented new accounting software to manage credit union expenses.
  • Implemented a new banking software that both members and employees interact with seamlessly.
  • Provided a guarantee of yearly compliance and free customized feature upgrades to stay in compliance.


  • Quality Management Software completed the project two months ahead of schedule.
  • The accounting department of the credit union received a new accounting system and reduced their staff by over half.
  • The members were able to see their community pillar come up to speed with technology and increased their confidence.
  • The credit union was able to increase new enrollments by 30% within the first 12 months after the conversion.
  • The credit union was able to offer flexible scheduling to their employees, increasing job loyalty.
  • Quality Management Software kept Creamy Credit Union in compliance with all regulations, provided software with a built in auditing trail, and trained the staff to use the software.
  • Creamy Credit Union was able to save nearly half a million dollars in salaries and avoided costly penalties and legal fees.

Pull-Out Quotes (Optional)

“Along with their deep understanding of financial institutions and regulatory affairs, QMS made sure that we stayed in compliance, offered transparency to our members and financial regulators, as necessary, and provided expert guidance to all parties involved during the entire migration.

Now that we have their guarantee in place, we can know that we will be regularly audited with ease compared to past audits. They will also update our software to evolving best practices in the industry as required.

We can now focus on doing what we’ve always loved to do for our community without being bogged down in the tremendous amount of paperwork.

The amount of money we’ve saved is astounding. We will definitely be turning to QMS for our software services in the future.”

John Doe, Chief Operating Officer, Creamy Credit Union

“The staff began to see how the new system was working and how much time they saved for every transaction. After awhile, they began to feel less stressed during the work day. Eventually we didn’t have to work so many hours and we were able to begin offering flexible part-time hours which made many of our employees happy. Those that wanted to work full-time still could, but didn’t have to work so hard and those that didn’t were able to still retain their employment, but have better life-work balance. For the first time in a long time, we began to see light at the end of the tunnel.”

John Doe, Chief Operating Officer, Creamy Credit Union

“We heard that Quality Management Software would be able to transfer us to digital methods within the time we need and do it for a fair price. We know in this industry, you get what you pay for. Quality Management Systems came highly recommended by another financial firm. QMS helped them save nearly a million dollars when faced with a similar situation. It was a no-brainer to give them a call.”

John Doe, Chief Operating Officer, Creamy Credit Union

“We’ve tried to reassure our members. We’ve been in this community for generations and have only the best and most honest intentions. We know we needed to go digital; we just didn’t know how.”

John Doe, Chief Operating Officer, Creamy Credit Union