Work with Misty

Accurate Legal Documents and Structured Technical Documentation Solutions are Key

Legal matters can be won or lost based on punctuation or misspellings.

Expert content enables your reader to trust your brand and products.

Investors decide to move forward when their developers successfully integrate with your products because of accurate, clear, and easy-to-navigate documentation.

Ensuring that your documentation, legal writings, and other content are engaging and accurate is a personal obsession.

With over 25 years combined experiences writing for both in print and on the web, across a wide variety of industries, I spend my days seeking sneaky proofreading landmines, creating content that bolsters justice, and reorganizing, fixing up, and adding to technical documentation.

I can easily slide into your existing projects, nearly immediately spot how to improve your processes, and can make your content and documentation:

  • flow in a unified manner
  • impress the court
  • reduce stress and increase efficiency for your employees
  • make you look nearly perfect in the eyes of your customers, increasing their confidence and satisfaction in you and your brand
  • allow an open source community to more easily integrate and support your projects
  • and create a desire within potential investors and customers to hand over their hard earned cash.

Your organization and your brand deserves more than just “good enough” instructions or transcripts

  • Good enough just gets your foot in the door
  • Good enough lets your customers and investors listen to you just long enough to eventually forget everything you verbally said
  • Good enough, leaves your end-user hanging or feeling like they’ve done something wrong to make your product not work, or worse, that it wasn’t as customer friendly as you originally purported
  • Good enough, lets the opposing party catch you on potential technicalities

Great content, proofreading, and documentation fixes all of those things. It provides empowerment, freedom, liberation, voice, consistency, and strength at a regular cadence.

A silent, but vital heartbeat, if you will.

  • It supports the truth when truth matters the most
  • It empowers your customers to use your products or services without issue or fail the first time, leaving a positive impression for the money they just spent
  • It’s freedom from having to track down the right person in the right department to get a missing piece of knowledge that probably should have been documented in a central location long ago
  • It’s liberation from having to find that “one doc” in a stack of folders on your hard drive or in the cloud under a file name, you’re not quite remembering
  • It’s a unifying and projecting voice of brand, mission, and vision, for both employees and customers
  • It’s consistency in your tone, message, ideals, and the standards your customers and investors trust in
  • It’s the strength, the hidden spine, that supports your undertakings, protects your way, and unlocks future opportunities

When all eyes are on your content, filings, and documentation, doesn’t it make sense to make sure it is accurate, compelling, and useful?

This is true, regardless of the type:

  • legal transcripts
  • technical writing
  • copywriting or marketing materials
  • whitepapers
  • Business-to-Business (B2B) case studies
  • knowledge base repositories
  • SDK and API documentation
  • comments within your code base
  • opinion or opt-ed pieces
  • full-length books
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • training materials
  • onboarding materials
  • new employee welcome packets
  • announcements and press releases
  • company newsletters
  • email campaigns
  • historical narratives
  • website material
  • blog posts
  • slide decks
  • court reporter transcripts
  • motions
  • petitions
  • statements
  • affidavits

and more…

Get access to a full arsenal of skills and tools

Join other satisfied clients to receive flawless legal transcripts, new understandings and insights along with strong, organized, and consistent bodies of documentation to increase revenue, streamline processes, and unlock new growth opportunities.

A sneak peek at the tools at my disposal:

  • the completion of an intense training program where I proofread more than 3,000 legal transcript pages, solidifying rules from Morson’s, Gregg, and others
  • a bachelor’s in information technology with a concentration in computer programming
  • an associate’s of arts in business administration
  • an associates of science in applied computer science
  • a coveted lifetime membership to the holy grail of all persuasive writing secrets at American Artists and Writers Institute (
  • experience working in the travel, finance, publication, telecommunications, automotive, blockchain, and open source industries
  • the ability to translate written and verbal material from “developer” to “owner” to “investor” to “customer” and back again, naturally and easily, while staying true to the technology giving your audience the “light bulb” moment you intended
  • knowledge base repository and website creation for internal and external use
  • the ability to ask questions that uncover hidden requirements and expose new and exciting use cases
  • experience with open source contributions to the Hyperledger Indy project
  • never being intimidated by markdown document translations
  • heavy editing of whitepapers, columns, blog posts, how-to documents, user guides, release notes, book chapters, reports, requirements specs, and more
  • being a documentation consultation to internal departments and external companies
  • the ability to put your preferences and vision first after providing recommendations
  • concise communication
  • familiarity with Jira, Trello, Github, Gitlab, Madcap Flare, Guru, Asana, TFS, and the Google Suite of products
  • seamless integration with global teams
  • focused content creation around verifiable credentials technology
  • stand-alone proofreading services

Get your time back

Give me your transcripts, existing content, documentation and undeveloped pieces (even if you’re starting from scratch) and stop drowning in drafts, snippets, and lost versions. Let me run through your all of your documents with a fine-tooth comb to point out, in a clear manner where pitfalls may be.

Let me tame the ugly purple, snarling, red-eyed, documentation monster growling from underneath your desk.

I know its secrets, habits, and ways.

Work with me and your transcripts become erorr free and drafts become specialized, empowering, and revenue-creating content.

Give me your “developer speak”, your whiteboard scribbles, your random ideas, and I’ll find, create, and present the precious treasure within each of them.

Show me a process, let me ask the questions the others may not, and I’ll document it so that it can be easily referenced in the future by others.

Give me a bland white paper, and I’ll make it turn heads.

Give me your PDFs and I will annotate them for formatting, grammatical errors, and more.

You have better things to do with your time.

Currently accepting new clients

Let me help you so:

  • your documentation problems to start slipping into the background and your employees and customers forget what friction was
  • your filings, and other written materials, start appearing sharper and more accurate the first time they’re presented to the court or investors

I can work with existing teams or be a ghost.

This is your work, your revenue on the line. Documentation is my second nature. Stop wasting your precious time trying to fix it alone.

Reach out

Tell me what you’re working on and what you’d like to accomplish. 👇

Misty S. Bledsoe

Creating, fixing, and proofreading your content, documentation, and filings, so you don't have to. Freeing up your time has never been easier.